I did a thing and now there is a book with my name on it. An actual, proper book with a front cover and everything! Being an author has been a bit of a
Author: Kimberley Johnson
Conspiracy Theories – and why I don’t care about them
Over the last few months, conspiracy theories have popped up everywhere, there is a group of people who are ready to spread a new theory.
One Year On…
Today marks one year since I last went ‘to work’. Nobody knew when the centre would be allowed to re-open again or whether we would even have jobs to go back to
Being a Mother to Daughters
As a woman, the story hit home in a way that was familiar. As a mother, it reignited fears for the safety of my daughters. I am the mother of two daughters
I have to be honest…
I have to take a minute to be honest. Despite being a parent for more than 16 years now, I can honestly say that I am just as clueless as I was the first time
Rock and Roll isn’t always so Rock n Roll
Imagine the scene, it’s Friday night; you’re all dressed up and ready to go. It’s band night at your local pub or music venue and you’re heading out to listen to whoever is playing. As you step inside an head towards the bar, you can hear them sound-checking, so you glance over before finding… Continue reading Rock and Roll isn’t always so Rock n Roll
Say Yes and See what Happens
A few months ago, I made the decision to say yes more. I decided that I would embrace opportunities, step outside of my comfort zone and see what happened. This mostly came about form a feeling of intense frustration; I was struggling to find work, missing my social life and drowning under the weight of… Continue reading Say Yes and See what Happens
The Importance of Reading
To me, reading is as vital as breathing. I am one of those people who is more likely to pack a holiday suitcase with books than bikinis.
Sleep? What’s that?
I miss sleep! I have been a parent now for a little over 16 years and I would estimate that I have spent approximately 95% of that time wandering around in an exhausted haze. In fact, I appear to have become some sort of semi-functioning zombie. As mothers, we are all warned about the early… Continue reading Sleep? What’s that?
Memories Rather Than Gifts
Someone once told me that you won’t remember what you were given for Christmas when you were 10, but you will remember who you spent it with. On a separate occasion, another close friend pointed out that we can’t take ‘things’ with us. All we really have is our memories. The more I think about… Continue reading Memories Rather Than Gifts