Any more?

Are you done? Do you think you will have more? When’s the next one? You’ve got so many already, what’s one more? Is that it now? These are all questions I’ve been asked over the years. With 5 children of my own and a step-son, people always think I’m going to have more; especially now… Continue reading Any more?

I have one of those too!

As parents, we’ve all been there. You’re standing in the supermarket, school playground, doctors surgery or some other important location and all of a sudden your child drops to the floor screaming. No, they haven’t hurt themselves. Instead, they’ve chosen this particular moment to have a hysterical temper tantrum over something or other.  You stand,… Continue reading I have one of those too!

Educating a large family during lockdown

When the country first went into lockdown, back in March, I think I felt the same combination of fear, panic and dread that all parents felt. Whether you have one child or an entire football team, the prospect of being confined to home with only an hours exercise each day was daunting. Prior to lockdown,… Continue reading Educating a large family during lockdown

Going back to school when you have additional needs

This September has been different for all students and every single one of them will have had their own worries and fears after so long away and with so many changes involved. Worries including whether they will know where to go, will their friends still like them, will they even be allowed to play with… Continue reading Going back to school when you have additional needs