I share a lot about being a mum on here. My successes, my failures, and tips I’ve picked up over the years. But, as with all of us, there is more to me than just being ‘mum’. I thought I would share with you 10 things that you might not know about me. 10 things that make me ‘Kim’ and not just ‘mum’.
1. I once applied for a place at Doncaster Racing College without telling my parents. I was underage at the time and the first thing that my parents knew about it was when they received a letter telling them that, although they would like to offer me a place, I would need to apply again the following year. I never ended up reapplying as I fell pregnant.
2. I love to dress up as a T-Rex. I love dressing up in general and will happily jump at any opportunity to put on a costume and be silly. But, my absolute favourite costume is an inflatable T-Rex suit. One of my best friends bought it for my 30th birthday and I actually wore it for the afternoon school run that day. It is genuinely the most fun thing I have ever worn. If I could, I would spend every day dressed as a dinosaur!

3. I hate mushrooms! They honestly remind me of slugs and even the smell of them makes me gag. My mum used to try and hide them in meals by chopping them up until they were tiny, but I always find them.
4. My first job was in a fish and chip shop. When I was 16, I started working at our local chip shop. I loved it because it came with a free dinner at the end of the night.
5. I have Romany ancestors. My mum’s side of the family descends from Romany gypsies. She has always insisted that this is why she doesn’t like to stay in one place for too long. She says that she gets itchy feet. I am the same, I’m not really a home person and am much happier when I am out exploring. I would even say that moving house is one of my favourite things to do.
6. I went to Grammar school. I was the first person in my family to pass the 11+ and actually attend Grammar school. Other family members had passed, but not attended. My brother (child number 3 in the line up) became the first to attend university when he studied journalism in Liverpool.
7. If I had gone to university, I would have studied either Politics or Law. I’ve always been fascinated by politics and this would have been my first choice, but law was a close second. Although both subjects still interest me, I don’t feel the urge to pursue a degree in either of them anymore.
8. I am never late! My dad always told me that being late meant that you didn’t value other peoples time as much as your own. It really stuck with me and, as an adult, I am rarely late for things. A few minor exceptions have occurred when I’ve been delayed by late buses or sick children. The thought of being late makes me really anxious and even arriving one or two minutes late for something will send me into a panic.
9. I used to write a lot of fantasy fiction. As a teenager, I would constantly be writing books. Recently, I found some of my old manuscripts and I am now considering re-writing some of them and possibly self-publishing. There is one in particular that my 14-year-old keeps asking me to finish.
10. I can sing…sort of. I mean, I’m no Mariah Carey, but I don’t make peoples ears bleed. Recently, I started singing with my husband, who is a guitarist. I enjoy it and it offers me a new creative outlet.